Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Somebody get me a Doctor

YES that is indeed one kick A$$ song by the MIGHTY Van Halen! It's also the issue at hand. I have a doctors appointment today and I've been contemplating cancelling it all week. Sometimes I'd prefer to ignore stuff and hope for the best, or try it MY WAY. Other times I ever so slightly trust in medicine. I had a similar issue about 6 years or so ago and it got me in trouble. SUCKS! that some things are hereditary.... Life as I know it includes meds for hypertension and cholesterol. It took a long time and like I said I ultimately found myself in a very scary situation for quite a while because I didn't want to take meds. It's crazy thinking. As an athlete you think your better and don't need meds. You also worry about how it will affect performance. etc. I'm in a similar situation and thank goodness I'm not in a crisis mode with my health, but nonetheless it's an issue that needs to be dealt with... Considering how a return to bike racing hasn't worked out for me, I shouldn't dwell on an impact to performance, but who out of any of us wants to slow down? Life is not easy. To add to it I'm supposed to go out with my boss and some coworkers for our annual summer outing tonight, prior to my doctors visit, and I haven't bailed (yet) WTF to do....

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