This past weekend I went out of town to celebrate "part one" of my 20th anniversary. On this trip the whole family went. The weather was summer quality, with lots of time by the pool. I also managed to bring the road bike for a great 30 mile loop around the local lake (Lake Geneva). The ride had some pretty good climbs thanks to Wisconsin's varied terrain. I seen this area during a trip for work back in April and figured it would be great to get some training miles here in preparation for a GranFondo I'm doing in August. One road in particular Snake road was well "worth the money". I hit it twice from end to end thanks to the challenging stretches of vertical climb that I just LOVE. Lots of riders and runners out in that area... I was smart enough to plan a massage at the local spa for the wife during the time I wanted to get out on the roads. EVERYBODY had a good time :) Came back on Memorial day, and took advantage of the rain soaked day by putting my new wheels on the bike, replacing the chain etc etc. Then we watched the Black Hawks win one more game on the way to the Stanley cup. Today my head hurts and I'm feeling the ill effects of returning to the "W word". It's not for lack of trying (I actually am driven immensely to succeed and do things right and the best I can) but corporate America simply demoralizes, depresses, and kills. It's a shame I can't figure this whole thing out. WHAT a cross to bear... side note- I developed a wickedly bad tension headache that took me out of commission for the evening, mostly due to some corporate never ending issues from the deathstar... Anyway, funny thing about the wheels, I found out they were in Thursday, and decided to go "UP NORTH" to pick them up Friday afternoon. Not a good idea. Friday afternoon rush hour traffic, on a holiday weekend AND a Cubs game going on made a trip I thought was going to be 1 1/2 hours round trip turn out to be almost 4 hours.That drive SUCKED, but I got the chance to get familiar with the new Stone Temple Pilots CD- Scot Weiland RAWKS! It was a poetic journey considering the rest of that whole story (some other time...) but DAMN the wheels look and hopefully ride AWESOME! It's so cool we can literally build up a bike just like the pros ride. Not many other sports provide that cool opportunity, and I absolutely love the ride that I have.
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