Busy week, I wanted to post shortly after the race but one thing after another... The story may have lost some of it's emotion but here goes.
Friday night while watching the news, the weather report called for strong(gusting at 30 plus MPH) winds, a drop in temps, and possibility of rain. They were pretty much spot on. I found myself awakened at about 3 in the morning by howling winds(I swear I heard the devil laughing)- the kind that startle you... GREAT! I thought, I lay there half hoping the tree next to my car would be blown on top of it eliminating my need to go to the morning's race. I was already pretty apprehensive about doing it because I haven't been feeling well recently. With minimal at best running miles in my legs (read about 3 or 4 runs in 4 to 6 weeks) I was already in a dilemma if I should do the 10 mile challenge, or show up and run the 5k. Really, I was shaken by a few events lately, and wasn't sure if a 10 mile SUPER hilly run with no training would be such a good idea. In the morning the temps were cool/chilly/cold, the winds were blowing, and the drizzle was drizzling. That definitley added to my apprehension to even go, but off I went. While driving to the race (and freakin in the car LOL) I ultimately decided that the 5K was not an option. It just isn't in me to back down (if I show up). I got there early, I paced back and forth, hit the portapotty about 211 times, then proceeded to the start line with IPOD ready and armed.NOTE I've never ran a race with an IPOD.WELL,,,, the race was EPIC. The organizers combined every hill they could into a 10 mile event, which gave creedence to their choice as Chicago's best hilly running race. We found ourselves looping around and running up (and down) the monster climb of the area not once, but twice. It was this hill I love to climb on the bike, and the 5k didn't include it. That was one of the reasons I didn't do the 5k.... The BIG climb came after only 1 mile, so the heart rate immediately skyrocketed, the lactic acid built up, and I questioned myself as to the smartness in doing this. To add to the millions of thoughts running thru my head, I was passed up right before the climb by a runner juggling 3 balls. MIND GAMES!! FCUK him LOL! I eyed my heart rate monitor thruought the race and aside from clipping my Anaerobic threshold on the climbs(not sure how one keeps a low HR when running (or riding)up big climbs, I managed to keep it at race pace values. By mile 7 or 8 a few of the climbs were punishing, and I did see a number of people succumbing to the pain, and walking, but onward I continued. Then PRINCE came on the IPOD, and I got my 2nd wind LOL Ain't PRINCE WAAAY cool?! The pace slowly quickened, and I began reeling in runners in the distance- CONSISTENTLY. From about mile 8.5 to 9.5 it was almost all downhill and I had to keep from winding out which would NOT have been a good thing. I let gravity take control with just the right amount of reserve.On the finishing stretch, I again picked it up, with a great kick the last 200 yards, picking off a bunch of competitors I seen slip away early on. That ROCKED! No training, aside from some riding, and a very few runs, and I did it with some pretty good results. I finished in the top 1/3rd. MUCH better than I thought. The after race goodies included (check this out) a whole bunch of pizzas, Italian chicken breast sandwiches, Guacamole, Salsa and chips individually packed, and there was even an over 21 section handing out Margaritas or some other type of cocktail. They paid ya back for the effort just endured. :)
The following day I was pretty wiped out, and sore. If I had a better base mileage going into it, it wouldn't have been such a rough day, that and the fact I'm in my 40s, and the body needs a bit more time to recover, but I'd rather blame it on the minimal training. The following morning I did the annual Mothers day Susan J Komen Breast Cancer walk with my family, and I'm sure the walk helped speed my recovery.
SOOO I still have it :) It would be nice to have more free time to sharpen it though. Someday.....
I did not experience any negative physical issues after I was done (the ones that have recently shaken me). I ultimately realized my issues are not physical activity related, rather they are more than likely EXTREME stress related. It's something I no doubt have to figure out how to address. The good news is my physical prowess can only help in my upward battle with what I think to be stress related issues.
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